


Both players are alien scientists investigating early mammalian primates. This one is especially peculiar seeming to cause a mirror rift in an area localized around it.



While the play dimensions are static, the map will be dynamic and be different each playthru based on player actions. Furthermore, this is an investigation of making each players' move have a direct effect on the other player.


Version 0.2 - 09.17.14



- An 17x11 piece of paper with a hexagonal grid. The side edges should have 10 hexes while the top/bottom ones 15.

- 2 figurines representing the Aliens.

- 1 figurine representing the mammalian goal.



- Fold the paper in half across the longer side. On either side of the central crease, mark 'Mirror.'

Rock-Paper-Scissors to choose who is player 1.

- Choose an alien figure to represent each player.

- Player 1 will begin two hexes below the top left corner and Player 2 will begin 2 hexes about the bottom right corner.

- Each player places 1 building each in turn order until both have placed 5. 

     - Player 1 places the orange buildings.

     - Each building needs to be at least 1 hex apart

- The other buildings are held by the player and 1 can be placed on each player's turn before they move.

     - This means player 1 has 5 to place and player 2 has 6.




You must navigate a series of obstacles to become the first to reach the mammal. For Science!



- Can move 1 hex in any direction on your turn, but that also moves the other scientist in the mirrored direction.

     - If you move towards the central crease, so will the other player. Moving up or down will cause the other player in the same direction.

- The buildings represented by geometric objects are impassable.

     - If your move makes the opposing scientist move onto a building hex, they don't move.

- In addition, no player can move or be moved outside of the play area. You will not abandon your research!

     - If the opposing player's move will make you leave the game area, you don't move.



Changes from Version 0.1 - 09.15.14


The amount of obstacles was increased from 8 for both players to 10 and 11 for players 1 and 2 respectively. Additionally, only 5 of them are placed in the pre-game setup as opposed to all. Both changes were made to add increased strategic depth. Additionally, the second change adds more player control and prevents the game from devolving into an optimal path puzzle with no interactivity. 



The mirrored aspect of movement has gone through quite a number of iterations. Primarily, the moveset has hopefully been more tightly defined. The confusion from the lack of clarity in rules had the positive effect of playtesters testing nearly every possible variant. The current version was determined to result in the most enjoyable experience.