
William Guy

Page history last edited by Will Guy 10 years, 11 months ago


Round 6


Physical Challenge 1: Anti-Fencing

with Daniel Gallagher and Andre Blyth


Keep your stick on your opponent, while simultaneously trying to remove theirs off you.  We noticed it becomes significantly less violent the lighter the sticks are.


Programming Challenge 1: Constellations

with Sommer Shearer


For week 1, my programming skills weren't top notch, though Sommer had a great game going.  We took her concept of collecting astrological signs, along with my space-ship and comet themed game.


Physical Challenge 2: Tell Me Something

with Scott DavisWilliam Guy, Sommer Shearer, Michael Hovell, and Nic Van Dessel


A game about telling the truth, lying, or doing whatever you want


Programming Challenge 2: Chowda Soccer

with Michael Hovell


That's right ladies and gents, Chowda vs. Chowda, in the ultimate soccer showdown!!  Kick the ball to either ends of the screen to score, good luck, hope your friendship survives.


Physical Challenge 3: Silly Hat Flag

with Thomas DivelbissRusty Lemasters


Can you master this dance of balancing a ball on your head while trying to remove your opponents flag?


Programming Challenge 3: Chowda Soccer 2: Chowda Football 

with Daniel Gallagher




Physical Challenge 4:  Improv Game

with Scott DavisDaniel HannaThomas DivelbissApinya Pantages, and Michael Hovell      


Similar to the "Dating Game" on Whose Line, One player is the guesser, while the other three players, or actors, act out respective roles given to them.  Once everyone's role is guessed, the actors get a new card each to continue play.  Gameplay can be determined by rounds, number of cards, whatever you choose, just have fun!

Programming Challenge 4:  Octo-Jump

with Sommer Shearer and Dorman "Rusty" Lemasters


Control Octo-Man through the level using the QR reader, and corresponding command cards.  Make sure to time his jumps right!


FINAL Challenge:  WAR PIGS!

with Apinya PantagesDaniel Hanna, and Nic Van Dessel





Round 5

Challenge 1: Mouse Escape House!


Challenge 2:  Gold Rush


Challenge 3:  World Domination


Challenge 4: Brain Hurricane


Challenge 5: Looping Loopers


Challenge 6:  Wateropoly


Challenge 7: Drawku


Challenge 8:  Inclusive Excellence: The Game

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