Recreation of Hopscotch

The board has been changed and there are four players that are allowed to play now. 

The squares are more proportionate as well.



Be the first player to make it to the center square



      1. Players roll dice

        1. Highest roll goes first

        2. Second highest goes second

        3. Lowest goes last

      2. Players take turns rolling the dice

        1. If a player rolls an odd, they advance to an odd square

        2. If a player rolls an even, they advance to an even square

      3. Players are not allowed to move diagonally and must advance to a square that is touching their current square

      4. If a player cannot advance to a square because the next squares are the opposite of their roll, they must stay until next turn

      5. Every 30 seconds the board turns clockwise and the player must use the game piece that ends up in front of them at that moment

        1. Timer starts after 1st player rolls

      6. The winner must make it to the 1 in the middle, the game does not end until all players have had their roll to make it to the 1



** The video uploaded to the TakeTurns site is actually a quick mock up of the people who played. The videos were too large to upload overall of the actual game play, so I had to figure out how to get a video of it being played in some sense. As I told Rafael, the game actually was fun to play and eventually turned into a good drinking game while on vacation!