
Scrapple Picture





  1. 2 Players start on the bottom right square (with tokens of their choosing).
  2. Players take turns.
  3. Each player rolls a six-sided die to determine the number of spaces he/she must move.
  4. After moving, the player must create an English word (per Scrabble rules) with the letters in his/her field of opportunity. The field of opportunity is defined as the row and column in which the player's piece lies.
  5. If the player lands on a red square, he/she may choose from both player's field of opportunity.
  6. A Player may not receive points for a word that has already been created in the same game.
  7. The points awarded for a word is the total of the individual letter points in the word.
  8. The first player to 50 points wins the game


Potential Future Modifications