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The game page of Devin Monnens. All my games are here.
Week 1 - All Game Designs of Week 1 (.doc)
Week 2 - Suit Quest
Week 3 - Overview
Toothbrush Game 1
Toothbrush Game 1B - Toothbrush Missile
Triad Triangles
Week 4 - Overview
Red Poppies
Don't Get Pissed!
Week 5 - Overview
Three Player Rummy (Version 1.1)
Other Game Designs
Week 6 - Week 6 - Nine-Square v 1.2
Week 7 - Week 7 - Nine-Square Revision 2
Nine-Square v 1.3, v. 1.4
Week 8 - Overview
War Cards - Rules and Post-Mortem
Week 9 - Final Game Overview
Gettysburg: The 144th Anniversary Edition
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Rapid Paper-based Game Design & Prototyping (2016 09)
Participants (2016 09)
Flickr (2016 09)
Programming for Play (2016 03)
Rapid Physical Game Design (2016 03)
Participants (2016 03)
Collaboration Peer Review Form (2016 03)
Collabration_Matrix_(2016 03)
Images on Flickr (2016 03)
Images on YouTube (2016 03)
Syllabus Round 7 (2014 09)
Players Round 7 (2014 09)
Rapid Physical Game Design (Round 6)(2014)
Programming for Play (2014)
Players (Round 6)(2014)
Collaboration Peer Review Round 6
Rapid Paper-based Game Design Round 5 (2013)
Rapid Paper-based Game Design Round 4 (2012)
Syllabus Ineraction & Collab (2012)
In Class Files Interaction & Collab (2012)
Collaboration Matrix (Physical Games)(2012)
Collaboration Matrix (Interaction & Collaboration)(2012)
Collaboration Journal (2012)
Rapid Paper-based Game Design Rounds 1, 2, & 3
Appendix for Round 1
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