
Rapid Physical Game Design: 

Challenge 1: Puzzle Problem 

Game Rules:

Collaboration with Tommy Benson and Jeremy Salo 




Challenge 2: Blind Fire

Game Rules:

Collaboration with Alex Cano McConnel, Kelia Murata, Quincie Neale, Ben Efram, and Richard Bui








Attacking motion:

Playtesting Prototype Notes:



Challenge 3: Starry Five

Collaboration with Julia Jones and Jeremy Salo

Game Rules:

This game is meant for five players.

Each player will be a designated color: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, and Blue and have five beanbags of their respective color.

  1. Each player will be in their respective territory lines

  2. Players may stand in any of the four rings directly in front of them, but must be on one foot

  3. Once the game begins players toss their beanbags into rings NOT within their own territory

  4. To score a point, one of a player’s bags must land in a ring of the corresponding color

  5. Players may block incoming bags using one foot.

  6. Players lose a point if one of the rings in their territory has a bag (of any color) in it.

  7. At the end of the game, points are tallied. The player with the highest total points wins



Playtesting Notes: People misunderstood what to do with the extra beanbag

More than one beanbag in one ring - just one point (clarify this in rules)

Are beabags out? - use your best judgement

Players got into tiebreaker - figured out that they cannot defend



Challenge 4: Collaboration Nation Infiltration 

Collaboration team: Hannah Tindal, Alex Cano McConnell, Ben Efram, Jeremy Salo, Hanna Pardee, Kelia Murata, Tommy Benson


Objective of the game:

This is a game for 8 players, two teams of 4 each in a separate space. Each of the 4 players will start in different corners of the play space. The teams will have to work together to retrieve balls of a certain color from the bowl, this color determines what corner you must return to (the corners color is dictated by its cone, which cannot be moved) as well as arrive there with the matching colored ring. (ie by the end of the game your ball, ring, and cone/corner must all be the same color, but not necessarily the same color that you started with)


Set up:

Both teams of four have 5 minutes to set up the opposing team’s obstacles. This includes setting up the string (security lasers) and the location of the bowl of balls (jewel case) within the space, and choosing what rings go in what corner.


Each team will have one NPC runner who is able to return the travel ring, determine whether a player touches the trip wire.




During Play:


Player Reset

Win State

Example of win state

Playtesting Notes 



Programming for Play: 

Project 1: The Beginning


Modified the car class as well as created a scene with my own sprite with its own scripts. 


(Photo is N/A as the original file was modified for Project 2) 


Project 2: Combining Forces

Collaboration with Kelia Murata


We combined our two projects together. I used the car scene with collecting tokens. The objective of my game was to collect 5 green tokens whereas Kelia's game took place in the space game. She had the player collect satellites while avoiding asteroids.  As a result, our goals were too similar. We decided to combine forces and created a new goal. We had the player collect at least, 5 satellites and return back to earth. We added a background, bounding boxes, a new end goal sprite (earth), healing tokens from the car scene.



Project 3: Inferno 

Collaboration with Richard Bui


A multiplayer game where a sister and brother got separated and caught in a house fire. Using the arrows keys and WASD keys, the players must work together. They must navigate through the maze, gather and exchange keys and escape the location together under a time limit.
Playtesting notes:
Players seemed to confused to the 'windows' where the keys are exchanged.

Suggested that the players shouldn't have to backtrack to the windows

Players kept getting trapped in corners - both positive and negative feedback about the corners;

     Good: works with the burning house narrative 

     Bad: May frustrate the player when playing 

Enjoyed the aspect of the mazes changing each time played as it gives variety and changes difficulty. 

Need to add a exit collider for players who are not at the window as the players exchanged keys when one player left the window area. (Key basically teleported) 



Project 4: Blue Blob Bounce

Collaboration with Tommy Benson, Alex Cano McConnell, Jeff Mutchnik 


A obstacle course game that was inspired by tetris and super mario. The players objective is to navigate through a terrain with falling blocks that they must use in order to pass the obstacles. 

Playtesting Notes: 

-People had issues navigating through the obstacles as people get stuck under the blocks, incapable of movement. 

-Jumping is weird when on certain areas. 

-Most people liked the concept however! 


Final Game Project: Vapor

Collaboration with Kelia Murata, Jeffery Mutchnik, and Stone Fisher 


Indigo ________ Posse presents


 Vapor is a multiplayer, collaborative based game where a Kinect player, who has control of gravity and help two players who play as Novis and Aquaphis navigate through various mazes to collect their respective gems and reach the door.



-The game must have at least three players 

-Employ a Kinect Sensor as well as a large scale projection in ways that is responsive to bodies moving in the space

-The game must be simultaneous 

-The game must be programmed for 2D in Unity 


Diversifiers used

-Conceptual Constraint: Unify/Divide

-Bit Shifter: Electronic wireless networking of non-contigious spaces 

-Untethered Control: Meaningfully makes use of wireless controllers


The Game-making Process

The Players and roles: 

     Aquaphis and Novis: 

     During the brainstorming phase, my team, Indigo___Posse and I decided on the two themes of Unify/Divide and came up with the two sprites of Aquaphis and Novis that represents fire and water. In the sense of opposing elements, they are divided. However, we also came up with a third element of the game, steam. When water and fire merge together, they create steam, representing unity. This idea became a new mechanic we wanted to add into the game where the two players merge together in order to fit through tight spaces, introducing a new element in the game. Unfortunately, due to time constraints as well as unexpected obstacles, this element never made it to the final game. 


     The players control their respective player with a wireless Playstation controller with a fix, zoomed in screens  that follows the players. These players have the ability to jump, move left and right, pick up gems, and switch cameras.


    The Kinect: 

     The kinect player had the overview of the entire maze unlike the players who are zoomed in. Their objective is to use the gravity lever accordingly and ensure that the players are in position before the gravity switch. In the brainstorming process, the kinect player had two functions. A gravity-changing lever and a pointer. Because the player's screens were zoomed in, they would need some guidance in order to get in the correct position. Like the steam, the pointer did not make it into the final game. The lever however worked very well in the final game prototype! 



1 Vapor game executable

2 Macbook Pro computers

3 HDMI Cables (at least one 25ft, one 20ft, and one 6ft long HDMI cables)

HDMI to Thunderbolt converters if necessary

2 projector

1 TV or other projector

2 Projector screens

Alienware bundle

               Alienware box

               Display Screen

               HDMI cable

               Power cord



PC Kinect V2 bundle

               PC Kinect V2

               Power cord

               PC Kinect converter USB Dangle

2 PS3 wireless controllers

8 free power outlets 


Kinect  V2 OSC



Hardware complications...

     Originally we were going to use three displays with just my laptop along with three displays and it was working well for a good week until display 1 on the main monitor just...stopped working.  As a alternative, we worked with the OSC networking to make the functioning as intended. 


My Contributions as a Programmer: 

     I am pleased to say this game has challenged my skills as a programmer and I have improved as well as learned a lot. While I did have existing experience with Unity, I did not believe that I was experienced enough to truly succeed. Through determination and help (from Bill and others; thank you so much!), I was able to get the scripts needed for the game.

 The Kinect and OSC networking tested my patience as it was a brand new territory to work with but I am happy that I rose to the challenge because I have learned tremendously about the two. It has improved my programming skills. 


The scripts I created and/or worked with...


     Works with the camera that follows the players and switches between the two players when a certain button is pressed. Originally used FollowPlayers Script but it contained rotation values that could not work with the OSC. so new script was created. (I also want to mention that I did grab some code from the internet for FollowPlayers so that script is not entirely mine. However it was not used ingame) 

-Camera Activation 

     Is used for the different displays that is projects on different screens. Display 1 being Kinect perspective, Display 2 and 3 the players perspectives. (Display 3 being upside down using the projectors settings). 


     Script that shifts the gravity aka changing the sprite's local scale of y as well as the gravity scale found within the RigidBody2D. 


     A script that allows interaction with the lever used for the Kinect. 


     A script that is attached to the door that checks to see if the two gems are brought to the door and moves to the next scene/level if both are present. 



     A script that is attached to the gems and checks to see if the respective sprite (Novis with fire gem and Aquaphis with water gem) collides with the gem and attaches it to the sprite if collided. 



     Stone started this script and I modified as well as added some part to make movement working ingame. 


     Attached to the colliders on the 'death areas' that respawns the sprites in the initial respawn areas. 


     A script that keeps track of the currentLevel to ensure correct scene transition and helps with other scripts that relates to the current scene. 




     -The Kinect Scripts that detects certain parts of the body, works with the kinect function and communicates with it.


     -Allows OSC between devices.


     -Receives the signal from the other machine to indicate gravity shift.



       Both of these worked with the OSC networking and buttons that switches scenes for controls and main menu. 


     -Sends the signal to the other machine when to change to the controls. 


     -Started by bill and continued by me and Kelia that communicates the fire/water sprites' location to the other computer. 







-The majority of the game was functional and playable! (yay) 

-The OSC networking worked as intended 

-The players had a lot of fun playing the game 

     -Enjoyed the aspect of disorientation of the upside down screen. 

     -Enjoyed the art (Props to you Kelia and Jeff) 

     -Fun! (yaaaay) 

     -The teamwork aspect worked really well with this 



     -Bugs...bugs everywhere

     -One of the screens is a scene behind sadly 

     -The Kinect close hand was not responding through OSC (it seemed to be closed all the time, it was strange) 

     -Controllers didn't work, keyboard was used instead

     -A lot of the concepts intended from the beginning didn't make the cut



KinectOverview 2(9;55).zip - Kinect Overview perspective file

Closeups(1).zip  - Two players file