

Page history last edited by keliaMurata 8 years, 8 months ago



Programming for Play

Project #1 - Individual Remix 

Group members - 

Kelia Murata 


Goals - 

Modify one of the scenes from the week1 Unity projects and add a goal 


Reaching those goals - 

I edited the rocket scripting example to include different items, and adding a loose state. Your goal was to collect as many of the broken satellites floating around in the asteroid field as possible while avoiding the asteroids so they wouldn't destroy your ship. 


Required hardware - 

1 Project1 unity zip file

1 working computer with Unity installed


Project #2 - Group Collaboration Game Remix 

Group members - 

Kelia Murata 

Hanna Pardee 


Goals - 

take the individual modified works that each individual worked on during the previous challenge and combine concepts with your partner to create a bigger piece. Be sure to add at least one more element to the combined work if your goals from the previous games were too similar. 


Reaching those goals - 

I paired with Hanna Pardee who also modified the rocket script. Her goal was to navigate the rocket to a certain area while dodging objects. We combined our goals so that you player would have to navigate the rocket ship5 through an asteroid field while collecting broken satellites and would have to collect at least 5 satellites before they could fly back to Earth. We also added health pickups that would heal your rocket ship if collected to help you get through the asteroid field without your rocket completely breaking. We added a lose screen that would appear if the rocket was completely destroyed and would reset the counter and stop the player. 


Required hardware - 

1 Pardee_Murata Project1 zipped Unity project file 

1 working computer with Unity installed


Project #3 - Group 2 Player Game

Group members - 

Tommy Benson 

Ben Efram 

Kelia Murata


Goals - 

in a group of 2 or 3, each member must switch off programming every five minutes to insure everyone understands what is going on. Together create a 2 person game that centers around social, cooperative.... types of play. The game must use a timer in some way. 


Reaching those goals - 

I teamed up with Tommy and Ben and together we created a game that would have to be played by two people on separate ps4 controllers that were both controlling the same character but one player had the characters jump functionality on their controller but not the ability to move and the other player had the move functionality but was unable to jump. They have to work together to platform across falling girders that begin to disappear when you land on them and try to survive for the longest time possible while dodging falling nuts that would knock you down. 


Required hardware - 

1 Trust Fail Unity project zip

1 working computer with Unity installed 

2 controllers





Project #4 - Group Aspect Ratio Game 

Group members - 

Kelia Murata

Quincie Neale 

Hannah Tindal 


Goals - 

in a group of 2 or 3, create a game that has an aspect ratio of 1:5 or 5:1, explores proximity and repulsion, collisions that do not include projectiles, or physics action on non player objects, and the controllable character should include animation with more than one state. Sound should be used in a diagetic manner. 


Reaching those goals - 

our game is a vertical 1:5 play screen in which the player controls a young boy as he runs back and forth on screen with a jar trying to catch falling stars while avoiding falling comets that fall to hard and will break his jar. Try to catch as many stars in your jar to help light up your world. 


Required hardware - 

1 Star Catcher Unity project zip file

1 working computer with Unity installed


Rapid Prototyping

Project #1

Group members -

 Julia Jones     

Kelia Murata

Quincie Neale 



Game Restrictions - 

2 player game 

8 x 8 x 8 space 

5 minute temporal envelope 


Game Pieces - 

1 tube of 1" by 1" wooden blocks 

1 table


Game Rule Set -

The purpose of the game is to be the last block tower standing. Each round you have the choice to either remove blocks from your own tower to make it more stable or force your opponent to build up theirs taller and taller until it collapses. Players must choose which to do before the roll of the d6 that will determine the number of blocks either added or removed from a player’s tower respectively. The base of the tower can only be 2x1 blocks. After blocks are placed they can’t be adjusted unless a 1 is rolled. If a 1 is rolled, you can either stick to your original choose to add or remove blocks or you can make minor adjustments to the top 2 layers of your tower.

If a 3 is rolled, the rolling player can either choose to stay with their original decision (to add or remove blocks) or can choose to hit the table once equidistant from both towers to try and knock over their opponents tower. However, the hitting players tower isn’t automatically safe, if both players towers fall they both lose, if only one tower falls that player loses whether or not they are the ones that hit the table.

Both players must start with 6 blocks. Both players roll to determine who goes first, highest number goes first.




Project #2

Group members - 

 Richard Bui 

Alexander Cano McConnell

Ben Efram

Kelia Murata 

Quincie Neale

Hanna Pardee 


game restrictions - 

4 player, 2 person collaborative team 

8 x 8 x 8 spacial envelope 

30 second rounds 


Game Pieces - 

2 blind folds

markers for 8x8 square


Game Rule Set - 


  • 4 players separated into two teams, each team has

    • An Attacker

      • This player is blindfolded

      • They cannot speak or their team loses

      • They start out with their arms at their sides

    • A Watcher

      • Cannot go into play space, but can move around it

    • Watchers are paired with Attackers, one of each type on each team..



  • Hit the gut (front) of the opponent at elbow length.

    • E.g. elbows have to be bolted at the side



  • Watchers spin the opposing team’s Attacker and place them somewhere in the play space

    • No one can talk during this point of the game

  • Youngest players team goes first

  • Watchers lead their own Attackers using verbal communication

    • At any command except ‘Attack’, the Attacker’s arms must be at their sides

    • Watchers takes turns commanding Attackers

    • Watchers can only use one word commands

      • Suggestions for communication:

        • ‘Forward’

        • ‘Backwards’

        • ‘Left’

        • ‘Right’

        • ‘Turn’

        • ‘Attack’

    • Once the Watcher is confident that their Attacker is in place they can give the ‘Attack’ command. To attack, with elbows bolted to their sides, raise arms straight up in attempt to hit opponents chest as seen below. Hit must hit the stomach/chest of opposing attacker to be considered viable.


  • If an Attacker steps out of bounds, then their team is disqualified

  • If the Attacker moves without consent, then their team is disqualified

  • If the Watchers step into the play area, then their team is disqualified

Attacking motion:


Project #3 

Group Members - 

Stone Fisher 

Kelia Murata

Jeff Mutchnik 


Game Restrictions - 

5 players, equal roles 

16 x 16 x 8 spacial envelope 

15 minute temporal envelope


Game Rule Set - 



  • 7 cones (5 goals, 2 stacked in middle)

  • 3 tennis balls

  • Short song or timer

  • string/tape/marker



  • One cone in the middle of the pentagon standing upright, this is the center cone

    • Note: this cone is weighted (2 cones stacked and tape together)

  • At the start of the game players play musical cones to determine which cone is each player's. (as the timer plays players walk clockwise around the circle and when the timer stops players must stop at the cone they are in front of)

  • Whoever got a tennis ball under their cone gets to start with a ball

  • Players then place their cones on its side with open end towards the center cone about 2 foot spans away from inner pentagon surrounding center cone (this is your goal)

  • Players must sit with entire body behind their goal cone with legs not blocking their goal

  • Suggestion:

  • Tap down goal cone to keep it in place on its side during game play




  • The main objective is to knock over the middle cone by rolling the tennis ball into it, and then roll the ball into the fallen cone to win.

    • Ball must stay in cone to count as a goal.

  • Players can also score on each other’s goal

    • If your goal is scored in, you are out of the game.

    • Players can block their goals using one hand.

  • Balls must be rolled, not thrown




  • If the middle cone is knocked out of the inner pentagon, all ball movement must stop and the nearest player must toss cone back into pentagon.

  • If balls get stuck in middle, or roll out of play, the nearest player is allowed to retrieve it but must return to be completely behind their goal cone before they can roll it



Project #4 

Group Members - 

Tommy Benson

Alex Cano McConnell 

Ben Efram 

Kelia Murata 

Hanna Pardee 

Jeremy Salo

Hannah Tindal 


Game Restrictions - 

6 7 person group 

eight player game 

two non - contiguous spaces 8 X 8 x 16

Line of sight is optional 

players must remain in their spaces 

not turn based 

can have 2 NPC runners 


Game Rule Set - 



Collaboration team: Hannah Tindal, Alex Cano McConnell, Ben Efram, Jeremy Salo, Hanna Pardee, Kelia Murata, Tommy Benson


Object of the game:

This is a game for 8 players, two teams of 4 each in a separate space. Each of the 4 players will start in different corners of the play space. The teams will have to work together to retrieve balls of a certain color from the bowl, this color determines what corner you must return to (the corners color is dictated by its cone, which cannot be moved) as well as arrive there with the matching colored ring. (ie by the end of the game your ball, ring, and cone/corner must all be the same color, but not necessarily the same color that you started with)


Set up:

Both teams of four have 5 minutes to set up the opposing team’s obstacles. This includes setting up the string (security lasers) and the location of the bowl of balls (jewel case) within the space, and choosing what rings go in what corner.


Each team will have one NPC runner who is able to return the travel ring, determine whether a player touches the trip wire.



  • The string may only have up to 8 anchor points and may ONLY be attached using tape to the four walls around the space. You may not wrap the string around the tables/walls. The tables/board/walls may not be moved.

  • The bowl of balls must stay within the space and not placed inside any of the rings, but may be placed next to a ring.

  • Each corner must have a cone and a ring (red, blue, green, or yellow. They do not need to match) The movement ring (purple) must be placed by any one of the four corner rings(within stepping distance).

    • See image below


During Play:

  • All four players simultaneously attempt to reach the bowl without knocking it over and grab a ball, then travel to the corner with a cone of the same color as the ball they retrieved.

  • Players may not share rings (Be in the same ring)

  • Players may ONLY have one ball at a time but may hand another player a ball.


  • You are considered standing  “inside a ring” as long as you have two points of contact within your ring (i.e. if a player must put down a hand when traveling through trip wires, they are allowed to do so if they have two points of contact inside their available rings).

  • Players may ONLY move by stepping into the travel ring, and passing the ring they stepped out of to another player (that ring becomes the new travel ring) .

    • At the start of the game the purple ring is the travel ring. There is only one travel ring at a time.

    • The current player with the travel ring steps into that ring and passes their previous ring to another player to allow the next player to move. The previous ring then becomes the new travel ring.  

      • When the player passes the movement ring, players must move to where the ring lands, they cannot adjust its new location.

      • If the movement ring is unreachable, players can recruit the help of one of the NPCs to retrieve the ring and give it back to the original thrower.

    • Players must slide the fifth ring (the Travel Ring) to each other to allow movement through the space (you may slide in any order).

      • When passing the ring, players cannot slide the ring to move themselves and must coordinate with the other three players to move.

      • Players have a choice to either step into the travel ring or they can pass it to another player.

Player Reset

  • If you are caught outside a ring, touching a tripwire, or if you knock over the bowl players must reset the space (this changes based on what you touch).

  • Note: tripwires only triggers when contacted with the body, not loose clothing. NPC runner judges use best judgement

    • If you fall outside your ring or hit one of the tripwires, you must return to the corner you began the game in with your current ring and must return your ball to the bowl.

      • If you knock the bowl over during this kind of reset, it doesn’t count as a full reset for the team.

    • If you knock over the bowl, all players return to their starting corner and must return all the balls to the bowl.

    • If a player has successfully made it to their correct corner with the correct ball and ring, they become immune to these reset conditions.

Win State

  • Once you have a ball and you are in the same colored space, you must be standing in the ring of the SAME COLOR as the ball you are holding. Once all players have met this requirement they have completed the game. The first team to complete their task wins.





Final Project


Stone Fisher

Kelia Murata

Jeff Mutchnik

Hanna Pardee 


Indigo ________ Posse Presents: 




                       Player 1                                                            Player 2

                          Novis                                                           Aquaphis 


Needed Hardware:      

1 Vapor game executable

2 Macbook Pro computers

3 HDMI Cables (at least one 25ft, one 20ft, and one 6ft long HDMI cables)

HDMI to Thunderbolt converters if necessary

2 projector

1 TV or other projector

2 Projector screens

Alienware bundle

               Alienware box

               Display Screen

               HDMI cable

               Power cord



PC Kinect V2 bundle

               PC Kinect V2

               Power cord

               PC Kinect converter USB Dangle

2 PS3 wireless controllers

8 free power outlets 


Kinect  V2 OSC



The Formal Constraints:


  • Games must employ the Kinect sensor and a large-scale projection in ways that are responsive to bodies moving in space.
  • Games must involve at least three (3) players.
  • Gameplay must be simultaneous, but may have rhythmic intervals.
  • Games must run without errors for the final presentation.
  • Games must honor a 45 minute temporal envelope, inclusive of setup, gameplay, teardown, and reset of the play space.
  • Games must have a minimum spatial envelope of 16’ on one side x 8’ tall to accommodate the projection screen. Additional spaces can be used, whether contiguous or non-contiguous.
  • Games must be programmed for 2D, or 2.5D spatial projection.
  • Games must be programmed to employ the Unity platform for gameplay. They may make use of supplemental libraries and environments.
  • Games must employ at least 2 networked machines using OSC.


Diversifiers (must use at least 2 from the following):

  • Gone Orthogonal: Meaningfully making use of both themes
  • Bit Shifter: Electronic wireless networking of non-contiguous spaces
  • Untethered Control: Meaningfully makes use of wireless controllers, or portable wireless control surfaces such as Wiimotes, PS3 controllers, Wireless XBOX360 controllers, or tablet-based controls
  • Flipping the bird: Use of Twitter Library, or other social libraries, for spectator participation for either judging or for altering the game experience (e.g. change level based on hash-tag)
  • Studio54: Ambient lighting shift using the DMX protocols
  • All For One & One For All: everyone together against a system
  • Atlas Shrugs - every person for themselves: there can be no (NO) alliances, not even fleeting ones 


     For our final project piece  my team, Indigo ______ Posse, chose to represent the theme of Unify and Divide by integrating the need for our players to work together in order to advance through the game.  We build a 3 player PC and Kinect game that involves 2 players on the computer or with un-tethered controllers playing as our two characters (sprites seen above) with the third player controlling an overview map of the level the others are on via the Kinect with the programs communicating via OSC network over 2 machines. The Kinect user would then be able to track the other players and let them know where to go in order to traverse the level, as well as switch gravity to allow players to walk on the ceiling or perform trick jumps to beat the level. We emphasized the need for all the players to work together to insure success as no one player could do it alone; if one player failed and fell of the map, both players would reset, and the levels are impassible without the assistance of the Kinect players ability to manipulate gravity, thus creating an all for one one for all against the machine type of game play. 

     We chose to make our playable characters fire and water sprites because these two opposing elements are already divided by the nature of what they are, but only by coming together can they beat the game.  Another mechanic that would have played into this theme was the idea of making the players become steam (or vapor wink wink) to fit through small spaces by running into each other causing the fire to boil the water and both players wold become a single unified entity for a short period of time. Sadly this mechanic never made it into the game. We had also tried to make it so the view of the world the 2 character players would be able to see would only be a subsection of the entire map, with only the Kinect user being able to see the entirety of the level making it even more imperative that the different players communicate with one another. These functions would have added to our theme, but their loss didn't seem detrimental to our theme showing through our design and were necessary cuts due to time constraints and numerous problems that prevented us from finishing everything. 


     I personally was originally tasked with the character animations for the game, and though they were broken/improperly implemented by the final build, I did finish all the animations for both characters we strove to get in except for the steam animation as it became obvious that functionality wouldn't be in the final game. We wanted to have an idle, walk, jump, and special fall animation for when the gravity shifted animations. See below.




Later on I tried to help with the conversion of the game from one computer to networking between two for the final presentation when our original screen splitting plan fell through (though I'm unsure of what I can accredit to my own work in this area). 


Our team started out with the best of intentions, and I don't believe we were too ambitious in our reach for our game (granted I always thought steam was a stretch goal, but the rest seemed well within the realm of possibilities) but smaller bugs kept piling up and somewhere in there we fell farther behind than intended so when the Tuesday before the games presentations rolled around and our screen sharing failed all those smaller bugs broke through as well. I honestly think we were close if things had worked out and the group could have come together as a whole a bit more it would have worked out better. 




Video links to game play (Introduction to the game)   (the sprite controller project, zipped) (the Kinect player project, zipped)



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